If your landlord has broken the law you could claim up to 12 months of your rent back
The Law
By law some properties in England and Wales must have a license from the council to let them out. Most properties with 5 or more tenants (large HMOs) require a license from the council. Some councils require properties with 3 or more tenants to have a license (additional HMO) and some councils require any property falling in certain areas let to tenant to have a license (selective HMO)
By law some properties in England and Wales must have a license from the council to let them out. Most properties with 5 or more tenants (large HMOs) require a license from the council. Some councils require properties with 3 or more tenants to have a license (additional HMO) and some councils require any property falling in certain areas let to tenant to have a license (selective HMO)
The Renters Alliance has helped tenants claim back tens of thousands of pounds for tenants who are the victims of rogue landlords